Documenting Cloud Pub/Sub Using AsyncAPI

AsyncAPI, the “the industry standard for defining asynchronous APIs”, recently released version 2.5.0 of its specification. What is significant about this release is that for the first time, Google Cloud Pub/Sub is natively supported. As the author of the Cloud Pub/Sub support for AsyncAPI, I would like to spend some time introducing to you to this feature.

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Kafka Quick Start With SASL

Recently I found myself playing around with Apache Kafka, an “open-source distributed event streaming platform”, and I can’t speak highly enough to the excellent Kafka QuickStart guide. Within a few minutes, this guide has you running a full (albeit simplified) Kafka installation, consuming/publishing events and in doing so, the underlying Kafka concepts are made easy to understand without having to dive into the complexities of a Kafka installation.

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Let's Discuss This...

I’ve hosted a few blogs over the years, and all of them met the same demise. What started out as a grand plan to share useful articles ended up being a few posts here and there, and finally a cease to all writing in general. I feel like I love to write, but I didn’t seem to care for it after a bit and I was perplexed.

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